1. Be knowledgeable about your luxury gifts for clients or employees.
Make sure your staff knows the details about the gifts being given, as well as the procedures for gift distribution. Guests always have questions and will turn to your staff first for answers.
2. Think through the process of giving the gift.
Too often, selecting or receiving a gift becomes another chore or line that a guest must stand in after a long day of travel. Consider ways to make it easier, such as utilizing a gifting website for recipients to view the gifts at their leisure. Bonus points if you’re able to have big-ticket items delivered to recipients after the event, so they don’t have to worry about transporting them home.
3. If you can offer a choice in gift, you should.
Humans love to feel in control and powerful. Choice gives them that opportunity. Multiple options also help ensure everyone is able to get something they will enjoy!
4. While choice is great, be careful how many you offer.
Too many options can lead to a feeling of missing out or choice paralysis. Our team finds that 6-8 customer gift options is usually the sweet spot. Having products that cover different categories — home goods, outdoors, sustainability, technology, health/fitness, etc. — can also help prevent decision fatigue.
5. My hottest tip is always the same: Put yourself in the recipient’s shoes.
What do you want them to feel when they receive or select a gift? If you keep that feeling as your North Star, it’s easy to stay on the right path.
Want to learn more about how to make your onsite gifting event a success? Let us use our experience and expertise to help you — reach out to one of our gifting experts today!

We are hospitality professionals who have devoted our experience and knowledge to creating the most impactful and memorable gifting experience in the industry.