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Global Evento
July 16, 2018

Did You Know? Running of the Bulls

Running of the Bulls Onsite Gift Experience

Did you know?

1.  There is no difference between the Running of the Bulls and the San Fermin Festival.  The international, English name of the festival is Running of the Bulls. The official Spanish name is Sanfermin (all one word).

2.  Each year, the city hosts 1,000,000 participants over the week

3.  The average bull clocks in at 1,600 to 1,700 pounds and the course is only 875m long.

4.  The world at large knew little about the Running of the Bulls for many centuries. That changed when Ernest Hemingway published “The Sun Also Sets,” which takes place during the event.

Contact Global Evento to learn more about how we can help create your next gifting experience a memorable one and if Running of the Bulls is a bucket list experience, call us.  We would love to run again with you next year.